A liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometric study on the post-transcriptional modification of tRNA.


Liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry is one of the rapidly developing techniques with which mass of large hydrophilic polymers such as proteins and nucleic acids can be determined precisely. The technique was applied to studies on the modifications of tRNAs. Various tRNA species purified from Escherichia coli were directly injected into a capillary reversed-phase column and the desalted and concentrated tRNAs were analyzed on-line with an electrospray mass spectrometer. In some cases, small but significant differences were noted between the theoretical and observed molecular masses, suggesting that there exist still unknown modifications. Under high resolution measurements, multiple peaks corresponding to species modified to a varying extent were resolved. To study the structures in detail, the isolated tRNA species were digested with ribonuclease T1, and the resulting mixture of fragments were analyzed by the same liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. In this way, most of the fragments were easily identified solely from their masses, and the positions where the expected and real structures differ were revealed. The results obtained showed the presence of micro-heterogeneity among tRNAs and demonstrated at the same time the power of the hyphenated technique for the structural analysis on nucleic acids.

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