A integração social no Mercosul : as políticas de educação em saúde no Brasil e na Argentina (1991 - 2006)




The Southern Common Market (Mercosur) was founded in 1991 as a political undertaking by countries whose economies were being internationalized, in an attempt to strengthen their regional and international relations. This thesis analyzes the process of social integration, based on public education policies for health, particularly in the field of medicine, in Brazil and Argentina from 1991 to 2006, and the possibility of building a habitus favorable to integration. The comparison of higher-education and medical-training policies in both countries reveals differences in how the evaluation of under-graduate and graduate courses has been institutionalized. Mercosur policies and actions carried out under the Mercosur Education Sector and its Working Subgroup #11 ―Health‖ to harmonize legislation on medical training and to assure the mobility of students, professors and professionals between member countries have achieved partial results. The making and implementation of policies aimed at assessing the quality of physicians professional training in the Mercosur has been disassociated from the recognition of diplomas and professional practice.


estudo e ensino mercosul educação e estado outros social integration in the mercosur : health education policies in brazil and argentina, 1991-2006 medicina

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