A integração social do deficiente mental : um processo que se inicia na/pela familia




The objective of this work was to discuss the social integration of the mentally retarded individual, in a process that starts in/by the family, and not exclusively at school. It emphasizes the mother, among the other members of the family, considering her as the mediator and the most present instrument in the psychosocial development process of the sono. The work technique utilized was the semi-structured interview, which was submitted to 12 (twelve) mothers of children diagnostic ted as mentally retarded, all of them students of the Centro de Reabilitação Piracicaba (CRP). The interviews were tape-recorde, and the mothers reports were organized in 9 (nine) categories of analysis. Data from the registers of the respective sons, constant material from files of the institutions, were surveyed. The analysis revealed that the mothers try to identify the causes of the deficiency with basis in biological factors. Such mothers have little information about the deficiency, and have different forms of conduct and estimation of theirs sons. Their way of treating them is influenced, in part, by the professional activities and by they variables sex and age of their sons. Their expectations also suffer the influences of these variables, and some are corresponded by their sons, while others are not. Besides that, there are certain conflicts in the relation parents-professionals of the area that deserve more attention. All these aspects are inter-related and influence direct1y in the social integration process of the mentally retarded individual. The total amount of the analyses allowed to infer that the social integration process of the mentally retarded individual needs to be reconsidered, having in mind that it is a process that starts in/by the family. Reconsidering the social integration process of the mentally retarded individual requires a higher level of consciousness of the society as a whole, of the professionals of the area, and of the own family. To achieve this, some changes are necessary in the graduation courses of the professionals that treat direct and indirect1y the mentally retarded individuals and their respective families, and also some changes are needed in the relations among professionals, institutions and parents


deficiencia mental mães e filho integração social

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