A inserção da escola na comunidade : desenvolvendo projetos na perspectiva de uma educação pelo trabalho




This work was developed in the perspective of offering to high school teachers an alternative for carrying out in their schools a pedagogical work that has as directing axis the articulation of school with work, youth and community. The way in which school is structured does not satisfy youths need for knowledge, abilities and moral values so that young people become capable of interacting with work, guaranteeing their evolution as human beings and their material survival. Reports from the literature indicate that school presents itself, from the point of view of students, as authoritarian, excluding, paternalist and uninteresting. In addition, the teaching model can be characterized as a transmission- reception one. A possible explication for this situation would be a disarticulation between school and youth, community and work. Some authors point the education by means of work as a possible perspective for solving this crisis which school is in. Therefore, we have chosen a project that regards the articulation of school with work, youth and community, which was the building of a low cost solar heater with a family from the rural zone, approaching the relations with environment and alternative sources of energy. We also present some experiments that allow a better comprehension of science principles in the perspective of polytechnic education.


trabalho polytechnics juventude politecnia educacao school work youth community comunidade escola

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