A informação como fator chave para atuação no mercado internacional: um estudo piloto com empresas exportadoras de Ribeirão Preto e região / The information as a key factor for participating in the international marketing: a pilot study with Ribeirão Preto Region´s exporting companies.




The Brazilian companies´ international commerce participation has been increasing in recent years. Within this context, research were carried with objective of identify the difficulties associated to exporting activities, as well the companies which recognize information as a need to a successful international market actuation. This research focused the information used by exporting companies in their export activities, raised from the bibliographic revision. In order to do so, a field survey was developed with Ribeirão Preto Region´s exporting companies. The results showed that the companies use little general international business environment information and, with higher frequency, the target market information, linked to product´s offer/demand. Regarding to information source, was observed that most of it was obtained directly with customer. It was also possible to observe that companies with higher volume of exporting tend to develop better information system in order to generate new business, act in more demanding markets, diversify its form of performance and search new markets constantly.


informação de mercado market information pequenas e médias empresas small and medium companies international commerce. exporting comércio internacional. exportação

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