A influência das intervenções urbanísticas na atividade turística da cidade de Curitiba




This research has as objective to evaluate the influence of the main urbanistic interventions in the development of the tourism in the city of Curitiba, from the interpretation of a tourist demands research. The constant transformations of the urban space of the city had resulted in interventions and important urbanistic actions, not only about the urban planning of the city, but to the exploitation of these interventions for the tourism activity. This study uses bibliographical and documental research for data collection. From this methodology, it is described the historical evolution of the urban planning of the city in the context of dissertation, selected the main urban interventions, analyzing the development of the tourism activity, as well as its historical profile, and later, the relation presented between the tourist attractions and its urbanistic interventions. It was appropriated to use the Research of Tourist Demand from the city of Curitiba, form 1986 to 2003, with the aim of identifying the most visited tourist attractions, the flow of tourist demand and some other data, that were appropriated for the results of this research. As results, it is possible to observe that the touristic activity was intensively increased in the analyzed period, concluding itself that it had, in fact, a wide influence at the urban interventions, object of the planning process carried throughout in the city, even considering that the majority of these tourist attractions, resulted from these public interventions, had not been organized specifically for the tourist activity and yes, idealized for the usage and attendance of needs of Curitiba and its citizens. The urbanistic interventions certainly contributed for the constant increase of tourism and permanence of its image, but there is a lack of political management which keeps on giving support to the development of the activity.


política urbana - curitiba turismo - curitiba planejamento urbano drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais

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