A industria de alimentos e bebidas no Brasil : uma analise da dinamica tecnologica e das estrategias de inovação de suas empresas entre 1998 e 2005




The present work has the objective to analyze the behavior and the strategies of the firms of the food and beverage industry in Brazil, between 1998 and 2005, focusing on the technological and innovative aspects. The economical, financial and technological strategies of the industrial firms have being altered because of the internationalization, in its several aspects, and the intensification of the globalization process, with high growth on the world-wide trade inter and intra-firms. The first hypothesis proposed affirms that the Brazilian food and beverage industry, analyzed at a two digit level, did not suffer an intensification of the technological and innovative dynamics between 1998 and 2005. The second hypothesis proposes that, due to the heterogeneity of the sectors that compose this industry, when we disintegrate it at a three digit level, important peculiarities and distinct behaviors become outstanding. Therefore, there are sectors or groups of firms that have suffered the suggested technological and innovative intensification during the studied period. Deepening the analysis, three study perspectives of the food sectors were proposed: i) sectorial, where the sectors were classified under two groups ? oriented by commodities and high aggregated value; ii) according to the firm size ? small, medium and big; iii) according to the origin of the controller capital ? national and foreign. The methodology consisted in extensive bibliographic revision and utilization of secondary data basis. The most important of them was the Industrial Research of Technological Innovation, performed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, that covers the periods 1998-200, 2001-2003 and 2003-2005. The high level of disintegration proposed permitted a profound characterization of the technological and innovative activities of the sector, which led to important conclusions. Despite of the confirmation of the hypothesis proposed, it was observed that the high heterogeneity found on the productive and economic structures of the sectors of food, is not so incited concerning to the technological structure. The sectors at two digit level presented a debilitated technological performance, adopting strategies merely imitative. The big firms surprised with a performance below the expected, in many cases, being surpassed technologically by the medium firms. Note to the medium firms of the grinding sector, fabrication of amylaceous and animals food, that presented an offensive strategic behavior. The indicators of the foreign firms also revealed themselves inferior compared to the national firms, pointing to a completely dependent technological positioning. The sector of food and beverage, in general, was remarked by very low indicators of technological efforts and innovation, however, paradoxically, the indicators of results were high, showing that this industry has performed the role of technological diffuser and actuated very little as generator of knowledge. The reduced technological efforts, however, have showed sufficiency in presenting immediate and significant economic results, visualized by the increase on the participation of the innovative firms on the value of the industrial transformation and on the value exported by the firms of the sector. Such fact, at long term, discourages new investments in technology and planning of innovative activities


alimentos - industria - brasil bebidas - industria - brasil inovações tecnologicas

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