A God who is Zealous: an exegetical analysis of Hosea 2,4-15. / DEUS CIUMENTO: ANÁLISE EXEGÉTICA DE OSÉIAS 2,4-15




The biblical text of Hosea 2,4-15, attributed to prophet whose name is same as of Israel, points to the religious factor, as responsible for a chaotic and unjust state of the Israelite society. The referred text utilizes the metaphor of marriage, between prophet Hosea and a woman Gomer to tell the alliance between god YHWH and the people of Israel. YHWH is presented as a faithful husband, passionate, zealous and the only one, who doesnt tolerate infidelity and the liberty of his wife, Israel. The prophecy attributed to Hosea defends the Javist theology, a theology which doesnt tolerate any competition between gods and goddesses, presents one intransient god who is possessive of his people. There were many strong theological conflicts between YHWH and Baal, where the husband takes all the trouble that his wife may not run to her Canaanite lovers, Baal and Baalins, but only to him, the spouse. The Canaanites venerated gods like Baal, Asera and others. The people of Israel slowly went on integrating the practices of Canaanite culture to Baal, master and provider of rain, of seasons, of crop, of fertility of the lands, of animals and of the bodies of people. The god YHWH went on integrating these attributes of Baal. There was a baalnization of YHWH. The popular religion attributed all fertility aspects to god Baal. The people in their way of exercising the religion attributed all the graces to Baal. The monarchic state of Israel appropriated this cult of YHWH baalanized. Hosea therefore understands this as profanation and prostitution. The baalanized YHWH, in the theology of Hosea, was easily assumed by state through the temple (for it was a functioning theology). Hosea vehemently fought back this idea, of popular religion, that Baal was a god of grace, of fertility, and affirmed that true giver of fertility was YHWH. Accordingly, the theology of this text is or could be functional for the interests of the state, in which YHWH was a national god. The text of Hs 2,4-15 in, a drastic form, imposes exclusive adoring of god YHWH, characterizing any worship to other divinities as idolatry and prostitution. This way projects one possessive god, monotheistic and all powerful. Presumed that this text is traditionally attributed to prophet Hosea at the end of 8th century B.C. and had its decisive rereading in the 5th century B.C. in Judah.


bÍblia divindade exegese bÍblica antigo testameto teologia dogmÁtica deus teologia profeta osÉias

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