A gestão integrada de Bacias Hidrográficas: a abertura de uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento sustentável do Alto Paranapanema / The integrated management of river bassins: an opportunity to sustainable development of High Paranapanema river bassin




The methodology of the thesis and the argument of the proposed hypothesis. The situation of water resources in a global way. The water as a renewable natural resource and the situation of water in the current world. Considerations about the use of water resources and the description of the impacts on these resources.The key concepts for the definition of Management: the concept of sustainable development and integrated management of water resources. The integrated management of water resources according to the concept of river basins. The basins as a management, planning, analysis unit. The foreign committees experiences, model cases in Europe and Latin America. Legal and institutional aspects of water resources management and basin committees in Brazil. The construction of public systems for water resources management, especially São Paulo water resources management system and the structuring of basin committee. The São Paulo State regional division under the new envi-ronmental model.The Paraná River and Paranapanema River basin description and more specifically, the High Paranapanema River general description.The development of the methodology used in the qualitative research of the thesis. The sectorial interfaces of the water resources in the High Paranapanema River Basin with other sector and its hierarquization. An analysis High Paranapanema River Basin Committee. A qualitative evaluation, containing the details of the evaluation methodology used and the definition of basic indicators. Basic indica-tors and evaluation scales.The actions approved by the Committee, and con-tained in the Acts of the Committee between 1994-2004. The evaluation of the deliberations approved in the acts and the projects sent to the FEHIDRO by this Committee.A qualitative evaluation of the projects presented to the Fehidro by the High Paranapanema River Committee and the scales calibration used in the evaluation, synthesis of the evaluation of the research. A conclusive evaluation of the contribution of the Committee for the integrated management of water resources of High Paranapanema River Basin.


water resources sustainable development desenvolvimento sustentado recursos hidricos water bassin paranapanema river regional planning planejamento regional

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