A gestão democrática escolar no Sistema Municipal de Ensino de Tucano/BA: compreensões e interpretações dos sujeitos educativos num contexto patrimonialista.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research proposed the research on which democratic practices are experienced in the Municipal System of Education Tucano / BA in a quest for understanding and interpretation of context from the views of participants of the educational subjects (management teams of the city and schools , board members linked to the educational process and community members and school location). In this perspective, we developed a qualitative methodological approach, referred to the fundamental principles of Etnopesquisa Criticism, which has as its founding bases ational aspects and semiological. So, are highlighted throughout the text, which allow arguments, conclusive considerations, only revealed the existence of democratic attitudes intentions isolated from subjects or participants in the institution or school system as a whole. It is not clear, therefore, in the context that has largely characterized by patrimonial issues, a restructuring of the power of his own secretary of education - although the principles espoused in the Political-Pedagogical Project Hall: "In the Collective, the reunion with the Pedagogy of Hope "- not proposals to give effect institutionalized democratic mechanisms of community participation in school, such as direct elections for directors, creation of school boards, transfer of resources to implement the proposed teaching, which, somehow, are possibilities for the development of autonomous practices in dimensions financial, administrative and pedagogical. These findings reinforce the need for the subjects of the educational act and the local community, participate more and more of the enablers of building democratic spaces.


patrimonialismo sistema municipal de ensino gestão democrática escolar patrimonial municipal school system democratic management school educacao

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