A função representativa do parlamento na República Federativa do Brasil




When the king had issues to deal with or wanted to hear the opinion of the most important men regarding any certain subject, he would gather lords and the most important members of the clergy for a meeting. In Portugal and in the kingdoms of Spain, these meetings were named Courts. In France, they were called General States. And in England, they were called Parliament. Each Parliament evolved and went through several stages until we got to the models of the 21st century. Several functions were attributed to the Parliaments, such as, for instance, to legislate and control the Executive Branch. However, amongst all its attributions, the representative function is fundamental, because it turns the Parliament into an institution that is essential for democracy. Representing the peoples will is not easy, and choosing the representatives is not something simple to be done as well. Being a ruler or ruled brings about rights and duties for both sides. Should the congressman comply with the voters will, his political party or his own beliefs? This study looks for answers for these questions by means of the analysis of the political representation in a democratic environment. More specifically, it examines Brazil and its Federal Parliament. The study of the complex relationship ruler-ruled and of the representative function of the Parliament contributes to point out possible paths and alternatives for the improvement of the Brazilian representative system.


representation governado democracy partido direito democracia ruled governante political party parliament ruler parlamento representação

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