A fotografia contemporânea no Brasil : uma leitura da identidade étnico-racial brasileira em Eustáquio Neves. / Contemporary photograph in Brazil: readings on the brazilian ethnical-racial identities pictured on Eustáquio Neves.




The present work is a lecture on the photographic series Masks of Punishment (2003), Good Looking (2005) and Arturos (1994), of the Brazilian photographer Eustáquio Neves, born in Minas Gerais state, whose bodywork expresses itself under the contemporary concept of Expanded Photography, and so, make a statement on the African-brazilian people ethnical-racial and cultural identity subject. As a starting point, its depicted the Brazilian photographic expansion, taking the sixties decade as the landmark, a propose of it cultural and political effervescence, until we get to this first decade of the 21st century, when the photography shows the uninhibited interference of digital technology as well as other media and artistic means, turning into a post-photographic image. On the route traced by this brief panorama, we search feature names and images of photographers who inscribe themselves on the streams of both the new documental photography and expanded photography, which representations stand a dialogue with the subject referred above, here articulated with new arguments on ethnics and identity. Eustáquio Neves speech, located inside this panorama, get problematical over ethnical-racial and cultural matters, such as racial prejudice and stereotypying, what has sealed, since slavery era, racial relations in Brazil. Plus, Eustáquio restate his African heritage, emphasizing its traditions and religion parting from a photographic practice built in laboratory. His bodywork, tuned to contemporary visual moment causes an interruption on a system that still represents the African-Brazilian on defined and preset social places, producing in return, a speech of true resistance emanating from his African ascendance.


identidade photography fotografia identity ethnics comunicacao etnicidade

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