A formação histórica da questão social no Brasil e sua vinculacao com o servico social: uma viagem incompleta, mas repleta de emoções!




This thesis is about the following theme: The social question and its historical link with the Social Service in Brazil. It is concerned with a search of theoretical and empirical nature well-founded in the Brazilian historiography aiming at mapping the ways to be followed in a long trip which has its starting point in the historical formation of the social question and its destiny in its accurate comprehension in the profession ambit, considering its own centralness in the nowadays curricular review project. The search basically consisted of the study of a wide bibliography which required in the field of History, Sociology Caio Prado Junior, Gilberto Freyre, Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Florestan Fernanades e Octavio Ianni, among others and Social Service and the holding of interviews and bibliographical searching into the work of 5 (five) intellectuals who express the nowadays ideas of our profession and that constitute themselves as important references in the process of professional formation and intervention: José Paulo Netto, Marilda Vilela Iamamoto, Vicente de Paula Faleiros, Potyara Amazoneida Pereira e Marilda Carmelita Yasbek. It is important to emphasize that we did not have the intention of working out of the prepositional and resultiful thesis, even because the moment is of indefinable situations in the knowledge field as well as in the field of interference in the social practices compromised with a new societary project. Under these conditions, is legitimated the conservative thought and its neoliberal project to distinguish themselves by the resolution lack when facing the nowadays expressions of the social question, presenting new challenges to the group of professions. We learned some lessons from these challenges; however, to know them you must become a passenger in our trip


história social social question questão social social formation brazilian serviço social formação social brasileira social service servico social

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