A formação do professor e a educação ambiental




This research has a main objective to verify and analyze the influence of environmental education in the continued development of teachers from the 1st grade at the municipal elementary public school of Itapira, São Paulo. Such investigation was methodized in a program of improvement for 33 educators that could work transversally the environmental subject at their schools. The program followed the principles and orientations of Jean Piaget’s epistemological theory. Nevertheless, we observed that this environmental issue has not been a family issue for the majority of the population or even the teachers yet. Therefore, there has been the necessity of a reflexion about the patterns that should guide its systematic teaching, once the environmental educator canot be grounded in common sense alone. We intended thus to contribute for the upbringing of sensible citizens who will be able to decide and act within a socioenvironmental reality commited to life and to each other’s well being in the society. In order to achieve such purpose, it is necessary that – more than information and concepts – the school makes a purpose to work on attitudes and values, preparing the new generation to act with responsibility and sensibility in order to recover the healthful environment of the present and preserve it for the future. Some procedures were adopted for data collection, such as situational tests, analytical questionaries and observations in the classroom, pre and post intervention in order to verify if it caused or not changes on the educators.


consumo meio ambiente professores etica educação permanente educação ambiental

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