A formação do enfermeiro - anos 2000: contradições e desafios à prática pedagógica.




This study deals with the theme currculum, pedagogical Practice and the nurse?s formation which at present has taken relevant space within academical debate. Concerning these points, discourses take turns in demonstrating several concerns and many are the results from different analyses, for in the last decades the curriculum questions on the formation of the nurse have raised queries to review and to redirect the search which can contribute to the improvement of the nurse?s formation process being evident that, not always, the currilum changes, by themselves, may mean a betterment to this very formation. So, we sought to know empirically; and to describe analytically the academical reality in the nurse?s formation at UESC Nursing Graduation Course, taking as analytical matrix the principles which guided the making of ?new? nationwide curriculum; and the ideas of many authors such as Misukami; Rosendo; Bernstein; Morin; Polak; Waldow, among others, about what is demanded in the nurse?s formation nowadays. We analysed whether the establishment of the new curriculum for the Course under study changed the teaching practice and the nurse?s formation, in coherence with the preconized curriculum principles. It is a descriptive study which can provide a new focus on the problem, having had the care of observing, describing, exploring aspects of a situation; interpreting the reality without interfering with it to modify it; and consequently being open to new studies. For the data analysis, we used a descriptive statistics with figures of simple frequency and percentage. It was clear that the professors of the course have a deficient pedagogical formation which is kept and goes on to the new generations, for in the analysed curriculum there is no foreknowledge nor concern with the nurse?s pedagogical formation. Before those results, we believe that efforts should be taken as to make the curriculum advance from the collection type to the integration model; and the present pedagogical practice, considered as traditional, with techno-mechanist actions, may progress to humanistic approach and actions which consider as the pedagogical pair the unity of teaching-learning process contituted by professor and the student; and this pair should provide the understanding and the conscious and competent integration of the pair in the act of health, as a reference to the nurse?s formation in comtemporaneity, being clear that pair implies cooperation; and cooperation is expected from subjects of an autonomous moral constrution. Therefore, the Pedagogical Project should advance in these questions which are concerned with the quality of the pedagogical process and also concerning the changes in the comtemporaneous society paradigm, which implies a change of the mentality and the taking of consciousness, not only by professors and students of the Course, but also by the Institution (UESC), which should be engaged with the needs of the society where it is iserted.


pedagogic practice prática pedagógica curriculum educacao formação do enfermeiro the male nurse formation currículo

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