A Formação de Profissionais de História: o caso da UFRN (2004-2008)




The teaching of History, as an object of research deals in great part with the basic levels of education, while the superior level is usually discussed under the topic of teacher training, whose studies tend to part from pedagogical issues. The purpose of this work, belonging to the line of research of Teaching History and Historical Knowledge of the Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Paraíba, within the concentration area of History and Historic Culture, however, is to contribute to the discussion of training History professionals, having as subject the History course of UFRN, Natal campus, that had a new curriculum approved in 2004, in which both abilities teaching and researching course were separated. The base for our discussions were the disciplines normally called as content discipline, offered by professor from the History Department itself and other curricular components, such as Practise as Curricular Component and Academic-Cientific and Cultural Ativities. We have used the superior teaching level legislation as sources, as well as documents produced by the History Department, thematic interviews with some of its professors and the recordings of the speeches given in the I Week of Historical Studies, which took place on May, 2007. Through these, we tried to understand how matters concerning the higher level of History teaching are thought and dealt with, and to what extent they relate to the production of historical and scientific knowledge by those that are partly responsible for the formation of these future professionals. Thus, we can list some key-points for discussion, such as: the relation between licenciaturas and bacharelados; between the disciplines of the course and the ones from the Education Department; and the professors practices. Because its this level of education thats responsible for the Historians professionalization and of production of historical knowledge, its through the practices that we do in this level that we define and preserve our occupation, defining our role amidst the many ways with which we deal with a temporality or, as we could call it, a historic culture.


cultura histórica formação de profissionais de história historic culture ensino superior training history professionals superior teaching historia

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