A formação de profissionais de educação fisica : alongamento muscular, uma proposta de conteudo




In what he/she tells respect the student s professional training to assist to a great portion of the society, front to the development ofthe stretting work, unpreparedness front your performance was observed. It can be observed that some students to the they try to use, in your performance or people s orientation that develop physical activity, of the prolongation technique, it always lacked the necessary embasamento, or when they administered, they made himlit without they know it existed if same advantages. Several authors that were analyzed here recommend the use of the stretting for your importance in the tension relief, for prevention and rehabilitation of lesions you musc1e-articulate, and above all for the great advantage that offers, be in inactivity conditions or decrease of the functional amount ofthe organism, as valuable exercise in the prevention and minimização of the muscular atrophy. It was had initially, the concern of identifying if it is true the observation that the people use the prolongation a lot and not always they are very informed for the physical education professionals. For so much, a research of field of exploratory character was applied, through a questionnaire to the apprentices, or not, of systematic physical activity. Through the analysis of the answers, it was verified that is really valid our observation, being detected that most (67%) it uses of the technique stretting, and not always it is very informed, doing without having learned the reason and the correct form, finally, it was noticed general information, without especificidade. One of the objectives of this study was it of investigating the students of the physical education degree course of three universities, he/she have scientific knowledge regarding the theme, what grew through the study of field of exploratory character, where it was chosen the instrument of collection of dates, questionnaire composed of open and c1osed subjects. However, the objective principal of the study, for considering of larger importance the use of the stretting technique in the professional s intervention, went to verify she is really .offered and discussed in the courses of professional preparation in physical education, and like this to be proposing your insert as specific discipline or as content to be treated in some disciplines ofthe course. As result, was apprehended that the students don t possess more specific and scientific knowledge on the theme, as well as, that it is not treated with especificidade, this theme, in the physical education degree course through the documental analysis.As conelusion, after the analysis and discussion of the information obtained by the different authors reading, compared to the result of the documental analysis accomplished in the programs of the disciplines of the mentioned courses and crusades with the information obtained the students egressantes of those same courses close to, it was possible to be proposing the need of the existence of the development of specific discipline or of the offer of the thematic stretting, in a deepened way and in the integralidade in the professional preparation in physical education


educação fisica formação profissional alongamento (fisiologia)

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