A formação de professores no curso de pedagogia à luz do pensamento de Michel Foucault




This work presents a conceptual and interpretative study regarding the Michael Foucaults thought and his presence in scholar education, presenting three moments in his trajectory: Archeology, genealogy and ethics with the goal of highlighting the kind of relation knowledge/power that will be a theoretical support for this study. By means of this theoretical reference we have achieved an interpretative analyses of some learning programs for teachers and pedagogy courses in private institutions as well as the institutional project and didactic pedagogical organization that drives the course. The work is organized in three chapters. In the first one, we have pointed out the main works of Michael Foucault, taking into account those with great importance in his research pathway. In the second part, we have broached the disciplinary society issue, through an interpretative study of the three ways of the power organization focusing the surveillance mechanism and control, mainly in its articulation with scholar education and the educational practices. In the third chapter we have analyzed the formation program courses for teachers and pedagogy courses, trying to identify the concept for discipline with intention of observing his presence in the programs of these courses.


ensino superior foucault, michel, 1926-1984 - contribuições em educação educacao professores - formação

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