A formação de palavras por prefixo na terminologia científica




Our work is about the role of prefixes and pseudoprefixes in pharmacist nomenclature. The concept of prefix that we chose derives from the formal notion of root presented in an article by Margarida Basílio, "A operacionalidade do conceito de raiz", and in the Phd thesis by José Rogério Fontenele Bessa, "A composição nominal e adjetiva: problemas e métodos". Our aim is to analyse the most frequent prefixes, types of base and context as well as the prevailing morpheme (the prefix or the pseudoprefix?) in the pharmacist nomenclature. We decide to work with two corpora. One of these is DEF (Dicionário de Especialidades Farmacêuticas), an edition for a specialised public. The other one is also an edition about medicine, whose public is both specialised and non-specialised.


língua portuguesa - sufixos e prefixos linguistica língua portuguesa - formação das palavras farmácia - nomenclatura

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