A expressão cultural da depressão e outros sofrimentos humanos: subsídios da música e do discurso populares.




Objectives - the aim of this study was to outline a survey of popular vocabulary and popular songs wich refer to General Medicine and Psychiatry,revealing the importance of how popular culture through songs and speech deals with these subjects. Methodology - approximately 21.000 lyrics of popular songs, recorded from the beginning of this century to 1996, obtained from 3 different record collections, songbooks and records folders supplied by shops, were surveyed. Hundred and twenty-eight songs considered the most representative, were selected. Phrases, expressions and concepts issued by patients and their relatives were collected during 23 years of the authors psychiatric practice. Both vocabulary and lyrics were classified according to the themes they referred to. Results - the most expressive themes of General Medicine ranged from subjects related to Anatomy, Morphology, complementary exams, getting ill and dying, to those of public health and doctor-patient relationships. The last subject was the one most often found in songs; it was also the topic most frequently showing negative aspects in the evaluation of physicians by the composers. Many psychiatric disorders were described in the lyrics, in a way satisfying DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders and Substance Related Disorders (alcohol, cocaine and nnabis). Parallelism was closest between popular speech and lyrics in Substance Related Disorders, the most frequent theme of Psychiatry. Arguments pro and against drug use were reported by Brazilian composers of popular songs. Conclusions: - Brazilian popular music was found to deal with themes of General Medicine and Psychiatry with such richness of details that it may be considered a valuable tool for lectures and others forms of class teaching. - Many words, phrases and concepts which are not of a medical doctors current use but are nevertheless, part of the daily vocabulary of patients and their relatives, should be known and taken into consideration to avoid iatrogenesis and to favour better doctor-patient relationships. viii - Also, the publication of results of semiological studies in General Medicine and Psychiatry containing reference to popular speech and lyrics satisfying or suggesting DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for mental disorders, is to be encouraged.


musicoterapia depresíon mental disorders psychiatry depression music therapy psiquiatria psiquiatria transtornos mentais música depressão trastornos mentales

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