A ética do discurso entre a validade e a factibilidade




Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas have shared the attempt to found ethics in terms of the philosophy of language, which they have called discourse ethics. Such an attempt aims to face the paradoxical situation posed by our times: on the one hand, the need for universal ethics that is, one that could be binding for all mankind has never been more urgent; however, on the other hand, the founding of universal ethics has never seemed more complex, even without future perspectives, than in the age of science. In order to tackle this paradox, we should resume the Kantian concept on the transcendental conditions of possibility and validity of science by means of discerning the transcendental status of language and of the linguistics community. According to Apel, the semiotics transformation of the transcendental logic operated by Charles Sanders Peirce substitutes the transcendental subject for a founding of inter-subjective validity based on the concept of communication community presupposed a priori throughout its argumentative process. This way, in our daily argumentative practices, there is already embodied the presumption of an ideal communication community as a regulatory principle that guides the argumentative practices of the real community. The idealcommunity acts also as a parameter that measures the progress achieved by the real community in terms of its increasing approximation to the ideal communication community. Such approximation does not aim to achieve Hegels substitution of the concrete social ethics for a formal moral, but rather to search for historical mediations to overcome obstacles to universal ethics. The historical mediation above-mentioned involves the difficult dialectical relationship between utopia and factibility, that is, if a historical mediation between both of them is really possible or if this would only be a transcendental illusion of the utopical reasoning. This work aims to analyze the founding of the discourse ethics and the problem of its historical mediation


etica filosofia semiotica linguagem -- filosofia discourse ethics apel, karl-otto Ética do discurso

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