A epidemia da varÃola e a vacinaÃÃoobrigatÃria - repercussÃes na sociedade recifense no inÃcio do sÃculo XX




The main focus of this study is the city of Recife in the early years of the 20th century and the repercussions of the obligation of vaccine taking in this capital, especially relating to the government of the Chief Judge Sigismundo AntÃnio GonÃalves and his urban and sanitary reforms. Such reforms were mirrored in the ones introduced in Rio de Janeiro, which was then a role model for the other cities in Brazil. The Rio from the Belle Ãpoque and, most of all, from the sanitary reforms which led to the biggest urban uproar in the history of the country: The Vaccine Riot. This study has searched for answers to the following questions: How did the news from The Riot come to Recife? And how did the residents from the capital city of Pernambuco perceive the news? As the rule for compulsory vaccine taking was to be obeyed in national scale, how did the Pernambuco residents receive such news? Which impact did this law have on the people in this city? Considering that Rio welcomed this project with an urban uproar, would Recife, then also economically relevant and politically involved in all national happenings, have demonstrated equal resistance to the same law? If there were conflicts, how did they occur? Which sectors of society took part in them? How did the Press in Pernambuco inform the readers about the local happenings? Which actions were taken by the authorities? Which model of Republic was defended during the peak of the movement? As Certeau would put it, âEveryday life is reinvented with a thousand ways of unauthorized huntingâ. And it is through this view, the reinvention of everyday life, that I will analyse the repercussions of The Vaccine Riot in Recife. I will do so by focussing closely on the shortcuts, on the deviations, on the social relations, and on the speeches so as to help make sense of all this


vacinaÃÃo antivariÃlica revolta da vacina saÃde pÃblica historia do brasil

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