- a enunciação do discurso religioso: leitura/análise do texto grego da epístola de Tiago / The enunciation of religious discourse: reading/analysis of epistolary text of James




The present thesis presents a Greek text reading/analysis proposal of the Epistle of James that pertence, in corpus biblical, to the New Testament. The reading/analysis is made applying concepts, language Sciences Notions and methodologies, modernly employed in the analysis of the most varied discursive genders. The research constitutes of three distinct parts: The first, in which we present summarily the used methodology and some reflections on context are done, the Greek language system utilization, and the epistolary discourse gender. The second, in which is presented a theory proposal that has as goal identify a structure and a process for the enunciation instance. In the third part, readings analyses are done: of context and of the speech gender of James; of the Greek language system resources as the verbal aspect, the Greek participle and for spacialization marked since the lexicon; of the addressees speechlization as indicating the possibility that the speaker James is destinator of a driven speech so much to a particular auditorium as universal. The sciences of the used language priority were: own theoretical vision of enunciation instance, the textual linguistics, the argumentation, and the semiotics of Paris School. Both the theoretical reference as the readings/analyses done had as goal of showing the applicability of modern methodologies in old texts - religious - and written in the original tongue, and in the search of an argumentation, cohesion and coherence for Jamess Speech.


argumentation discurso religioso enunciation religious speech argumentação enunciação coesão e coerência semiotics cohesion and coherence semiótica

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