A dimensão trágica da hilflosigkeit em Freud




This dissertation consisted of an exercise: translating the word Hilflosigkeit in Freuds works. Beginning with the question: what meanings does Freud give to the word Hilflosigkeit in his works?, the methodological proposal to answer it was establishing an approach between psychoanalysis and poetic art, thus exploring human kinds tragic dimension. Hilflosigkeit permeates Freuds works assigning a tragic meaning to human experience. In the babys frailty in the face of its inability to survive on its own, in the anguish caused by separation from the love object, in the fear of lifes finality, in the bodys fragility, in natures strength, in civilizations uneasiness, in protection delusions, Hilflosigkeit presents a growing movement, a tragic march in Freuds works. Finally, the epilogue: Hilflosigkeit points to the absolute lack of a solution for human condition in the face of its frailty, to the very spot where the human being and his existence are void of meaning.


cultura(psicologia) angústia (psicologia) hilflosigkeit foreign help uneasiness trágico culture conflito (psicologia) conflict freud, sigmund, 1856-1939 depressão mental hilflosigkeit interpretation interpretação(psicologia) melancolia angústia cultura arte poética (psicologia) psicologia poetic art tragic ajuda alheia (psicologia) mal-estar (psicologia) anguish

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