A desconstrução do social pela delinqüência/crime e sua reconstrução pelo direito: uma análise da pedofilia à luz da política jurídica




The current dissertation aims to study the deconstruction of social through delinquency / crime and its reconstruction through law, within the analyses of the pedophilia phenomenon under the light of the Juridical Politic. In order to fulfill the objective, the Social was studied based on the French author Michel Maffesoli and his books, as well as the deconstruction of social through delinquency / crime, specially the pedophilias conduct. Finally, the role of Juridical Politic in the reconstruction of social through the law was analyzed, with the proposal of a transdisciplinary approach of the pedophilia phenomenon and from a new juridic-politic project from this reality. The method used in this study was the inductive, in the data treatment was the Cartesian method, as well as the technique was the bibliographic research, according to the book Prática da Pesquisa Jurídica (Practice of Juridical Research), from the professor César Luiz Pasold, including the work in the Research Field Production and Use of Law, in the Research Group Foundations of Production and Use of Law and in the Research Project Axiological Foundations of the Production of Law


valores sociais direito direito pedofilia política jurídica delinqüência juvenil

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