A (des)construção da dicotomia rural-urbano no extremo noroeste paulista




This thesis aims to analyze the relationship between rural and urban in the North West Paulista, by checking the dichotomous relationship between the two spaces in the context of territoriality expressed between places, public policies that permeate social relations, as well as cultural expression of the peasant, as amended as a result of penetration of techniques and technologies in this environment, besides the increase of activities monocultures. To achieve these goals was conducted field research in two steps: the application and analysis of photographs in the region, giving priority to the research / the local landscapes and the performance of a structured interview in 70 establishments, noting the economic, structural, social and cultural rights of residents of rural areas, because they are the most adversely affected by constant changes of the urban environment, as well as the advancement of capital in the field. The study showed that the relationship between rural and urban in the North West Paulista, referenced by small towns (in area and population), has strong relationship between the two areas, however, due to advanced age of the residents of rural areas, their identity with the field tends to decrease, mainly due to the advancement of sugar cane. The actions of the public on the site are unsatisfactory, since they are vertical implement public policies, ignoring the actions and demands of key players in this system, farmers who are increasingly looking to alternatives to difficulties encountered in carrying out their agricultural activities developing a multi-activity and work part-time.


agriculture noroeste paulista são paulo (sp) - população rural - aspectos sociais relação rural-urbano ruralidades políticas públicas value for rural-urban desenvolvimento rural - noroeste paulista north west paulista agricultura geografia rural - são paulo políticas públicas - zona rural public policies ruralidades territorialidades territoriality geografia

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