A demonstração do valor adicionado como instrumento de transparência nas entidades do terceiro setor / The value added statement as an accountability instrument in the third sector entities


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research was developed in order to analyze what the most appropriate way to highlight the Value Added Statement, revenues from the third sector entities on the various sources available to capture them. Secondly and based on the conclusion of the doctoral thesis of Fregonesi (2009) that social and environmental investments made by companies to nonprofits are, in certain situations, the distribution of value added, this study aimed to analyze the impact of this conclusion at VAS of nonprofits, more specifically, enterprise foundations and institutes and its possible implications on the usefulness of the VAS as an aid for calculating the contribution of this sector in the national gross product. The entities used as examples are associated with the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Enterprises (GIFE) being discarded those that did not have the term \"Institute\" or \"Foundation\" in their names or entities that did not publish its financial statements with notes, 2010 explanatory in its pages in the Official Gazette or Electronic Business São Paulo between January and April 2011. Were included in the analysis the Research Institute of Accounting, Actuarial and Financial (FIPECAFI) and Salvador Arena Foundation because of its reputation and to enrich the understanding of the modus operandi of these entities in the process of fundraising. The results suggest that not all third sector entities generate added value, assuming in some cases, the role of mere management of resources from their keepers, who seek to shape their social responsibility. In this case, because there is secondary redistribution of income, national gross product does not compute the participation of these entities.


corporate social responsability demonstração financeira national gross product responsabilidade social terceiro setor third sector valor adicionado vas

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