A dança na realidade amazônica: um estudo de caso da articulação da dança no programa de formação e valorização de profissionais da educação PROFORMAR / A dança na realidade amazônica: um estudo de caso da articulação da dança no programa de formação e valorização de profissionais da educação PROFORMAR




This thesis addresses the theme of dance as communication and space, studying the habitat of the circles in rehabilitation of movement and gestural expression of individuals who are part of a sociocultural Amazon (Brazil). Research spreads insigts expressive gestures of the region, generates data and results, which will certainly enrich the knowledge accumulated by research in dance in Brazil. Involves actions through the dancing, music and movement, expression and creativity that can be applied in the DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAM which is known as PROFORMAR, investing in a proposal which possible cause an interaction between dance- human being - environment, in amazônia context, brings a great relation between image, movement and technology, in this manner giving emphasis to the humanity and its intellectual and cognitive growth. In consequence of this, promoting changes in the pedagogical scenery and in the political cultural action applied to the study of the nature of art, in a interdisciplinary process, which has theorical and practical fundamentation lead to the construction of a re-education of the movement that may promote educators who are going to make part of the process of the citizenship, mainly, with the commitment of making of the school environment one instrument of social freedom , built with a solid base which can be identified as art- education-society.


metodologia dance danca dança amazônia amazônia methodology educação a distância (ead) distance education

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