A criança hiperativa e desatenta no ambiente escolar: uma contribuição winnicottiana ao processo educacional / The attention/deficit and hyperactive child in the schoolenvironment: a contribution the theory of Winnicott to the educational process




This study is about some possibilities of articulation between the theory of human development of the psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott (1897- 1971) and the difficults of the ajustment of attention deficit/ hyperactivity children in the school process. The aim of this study presented conceptions of theory of emotional maturing as possibilites of comprehension of the personalitys base and psyche health, and also for the detection of the precocious emotional difficulties by the education professionals, highlighing the children peculiarity in school process TDAH. The current work used cientific discriptive and explorative methodology thrying do show how neurocience can benefit of a dialog with the Winnicott theory because therefore this theory makes the point clearer and deeper from the psyche point, the question of how the ambiental care in the inicial stages of development, may turn out to be decisive in the influence of the child cerebral development. I present diagnostic suppositions about the ethiology of this desorder coming from ambiental fouls in the beginning of personal maturing. I show how the disprepare of school healing a child with TDAH can result in loss to everyone involved. I approach the importance of the study of emotional development connected to the education and the interaction of teacher as a provider of development of children who carries TDAH. I coud confirm with this study that the disorder of hyperactivity and deficit of attention must be understood as a disturb of biophsycosocial source and of terriffic proportions if you dont comprenhead and take care


psicanálise educação hiperatividade déficit de atenção psicologia psychoanalysis education hyperactivity attention deficit

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