"A criança com câncer vivenciando a reinserção escolar: estratégia de atuação do psicólogo". / The child with cancer living deeply the pertaining to school reinsection: strategy of performance of the psychologist




In the perspective of integrating the child with cancer to the school for the maintenance of her psycho-social development , this study proposes to listen to the children about their experience of returning to school during oncological treatment, after an informative work performed with their colleagues and teachers. Following all the current ethical norms recommended, eight children of this study, from five to eleven years old, were identified by the Pediatric and Puericulture Sector of the Clinical Hospital at the Medicine School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). The development of this research was proposed to them and their mothers through the accomplishment of an informative work about the childhood cancer presented by the Snoopy cartoon "Why Charlie Brown, Why?", in order to clearly inform about disease and treatment to the colleagues and teachers. About 30 days after the children’s return to classes, in one of their hospital returns, after the informative work, an interview was made with the children at HCFMRP-USP, from the following question: “I would like that you tell me how you feel about returning to school after the time you were absent for treatment”. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed qualitatively according to the phenomenological psychology references. This analysis revealed that the school reinsertion is stressful for the children with cancer for involving emotional aspects and social acceptance matters. Before the informative work the lack of information about cancer established the "mystery" around the physical appearance of the sick children in the school, providing a hostile and aggressive climate for them. However, they kept their position to continue attending the school, making efforts to introduce a good academical and behavioral performance, besides creating options to “fake” colleagues rejection. According to the children, the informative work constituted an important support at the school reinsertion moment, contributing to the colleagues comprehension about the cancer, giving them the necessary tranquillity to perform academic and social activities pertinent to their age group. The physical limitations imposed by the disease and/or by the treatment were felt at school, enabling the children to have contact with the reality of being-students-in-cancer treatment. Although the difficulties found, they were unanimous in revealing sympathy to the school environment and showed the wish of learning and proper social living. This study comes to corroborate the results of other studies in this field and comes to confirm the importance of the informative activities and communication between hospital and school in order to make the school reinsertion easier for the child with cancer.


school informação escola information criança com câncer childhood cancer

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