A criação dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas dos rios Jucu e Santa Maria da Vitória : perspectivas e desafios da gestão hídrica capixaba


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It examines the process of creating the Watershed Committees Jucu rivers and Santa Maria da Vitoria, which are located in the metropolitan area of Vitoria in Espirito Santo State, highlighting the current status of these Committees and their future prospects. This region is considered socio-economically and environmentally strategic due to the fact that the rivers Jucu and Santa Maria da Vitoria are responsible for supplying water for the population, the industries and also for agricultural irrigation, as well as the maintenance of the ecosystems that depend on them. The watersheds included in these committees include the territorial extent of ten municipalities in the Espírito Santo state. The Committees discusses issues regarding state and federal legislation, especially those concerned about decentralized and participatory management of water resources. It also realizes a detailed study of Laws No. 9433/97 and No. 5.818/98, which established the creation of River Basin Committees, something new in the state of Espirito Santo. Documentary and field research showed that the two basins have a high state of degradation, which in turn highlights the importance the Committees have in managing the two basins. The results show that the Watershed Committees of the rivers Jucu and Santa Maria da Vitoria need to enhance their operational structure, since they were created around the year 2000. This structure will only be effective when: the Government sector, the users and the civil society organizations that are present in the Committees become aware of the power they have; the instruments of grants and charging for water use are in place; the members of the collegiate are capacitated and granted access to information and data on the watershed system; when the members start to work together on the creation of inclusive public policies; and lastly, when the members engage in the development of a democratic management of water resources


recurso hídrico bacia hidrográfica comitês de bacia hidrográfica gestão participativa water source hydrographic basins committee of hydrographic basins participative management geografia humana

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