A criação de um serviço de urgencia psiquiatrica : uma analise historica documental e oral




This first assignment has the objective to reconstruct historicy the creation of Unidade Psiquiátrica de Urgência - UPU (Psychiatry Urgency Unity), of Hospital e Maternidade Celso Pierro - HMCP (Celso Pierro Hospital and Maternity) at Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUCCAMP, using the oral methodology and historical documental analysis as a reference. To begin with the study of reconstruction of the Psychiaty assistance during the 70ls and 80 s was analized. During the first part of the study the contradiction of political oficial mental health of the country. The critics focused were based on the North-American preventivist model and the financial and support of private Psychiatry Hospital institutions. During this part, I detained myself about the organization process in the civil society and the democratization during the 80 s, reflecting on the viabilization of reformal propose involving the mental health, having questioned the role of the psychiatry institutions and professionals in the area. There was also a study done on the reflex change in the political way of the health mentality in São Paulo State and in the District of Campinas. With a large documental. analysis and interviews with twenty one people who were involved directly or ondirectly with formation of UPU unchained this processo Eventhough having a large participation of the sectors and the public health sistem in Campinas, there was no garantee about the influence of this plan in the organization and managing of this service. It should be noticed, that even being to the teaching hospital, UPU used to work basicly as an assistance service, with a smalll function in training and graduation of professionals in the health area. This ro,le only established trough the accord of the Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo and PUCCAMP creating a Medical Resident Program which suffered intense internal restrictions in sectors of the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. The UPU isolation with various services in Campinas and region, the difficulty of planning compatibel practise assistance with the teaching and internal conflicts found tn the structure of this services have helped to obstaculize the consolidation of a model assistance whose proposed was to reconstruct a practice wich should be overcome


psiquiatria - historia psiquiatria social saude mental assistencia psiquiatrica hospitalar

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