A crÃtica de arte e a exposiÃÃo das diferenÃas: Os efeitos da crÃtica jornalÃstica no processo social da legitimaÃÃo da produÃÃo artÃstica de JoÃo CÃmara Filho




What criteria inspire the worthiness of a work of art? To what rules must these opinions be held accountable? Who judges and determines the value of the chaos of cultural production? These are some of the questions that guide this study. The intention here is to try to understand the role that art critics, from national periodicals and other specialized magazines, played in the construction of the image of the painter from ParaÃba, JoÃo CÃmara Filho, in the Brazilian field of art. Considering that recognition and approval are results of a social process, this dissertation examines the relationship between some social agents, even secondary ones like this study, and their ability to strengthen and legitimize the work of an artist and, thus play a significant role (either for or against) in the inclusion of JoÃo CÃmara Filhoâs name amongst the biggest names in Brazilian painting. The theory of the artistic production of Pierre Bourdieu appears here as the great theoretical axis of this study. When corpus was analyzed, the dissonant voices of Brazilian critics reopened a debate in the field of Brazilian artistic production: cosmopolitism of the vanguard versus regionalism of Brazilian art. That is to say, the analysis of the cultural production of the periphery and the debate raised by the critics, in this research, about concepts of identity in front of the globalization process.


campo de produÃÃo cultural cosmopolitismo comunicacao joÃo cÃmara filho field of cultural production crÃtica de arte cosmopolitism regionalismo joÃo cÃmara filho art criticism regionalism

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