A contribution to the study of the psychic constitution of alcoholic women / Contribuição para o estudo da constituição psíquica de mulheres alcoolistas




This study examines the psychic constitution of alcoholic women and seeks to broaden the comprehension of their psychic functioning in order to assist those who work with this population. The study uses the Rorschach test and interview analysis as assessing instruments. The participants are 15 alcohol-dependent women who have been referred to us by their own psychiatrists. In search of common elements, we have found significant alterations in the intellectual mode of adaptation to external reality, characterized by stereotypies and submission to environmental impositions that probably derive from a need of approval. These characteristics also demonstrate indifference towards the other, as if the patients did not feel any affection for them and did not register the affection received from them. This fact displays undifferentiation. The generic and superficial adaptation mode, speech dispersion, affective turbulence, non-fixation and non-retention of experiences are aspects that hinder the creation and inscription of significant marks that go beyond the alcoholic individual. Even though the phantasmic universe is present, it is not integrated into the psychic dynamics and the subjects present a tendency of denying their own fantasies. The excessive use of alcohol seems to favor and maintain the subjects alienation as the negation mechanism is reinforced and the fantasies are psychically displaced. As for sexuality, we think of alcohol as a metonymy for man (: alcohol/bottle/penis/man/father) with a flowing meaning that is supported by fantasies that carry the signifier devastation in their core. As a conclusion, we state that alcohol dependence may culminate in hysteria, obsessive neurosis and psychosis; however, a deeper study on the function of alcohol use in each of the psychic structures is still necessary.


psychodiagnosis women constitution of subject constituição do sujeito alcoholism psychoanalysis mulheres psicanálise rorschach test alcoolismo teste de rorschach psicodignóstico

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