A condição jurídica da mulher no Brasil: diálogos sobre igualdade e diferença




This paper presents a critical view on the historical, social, political, economic and juridical condition of women from the modern paradigm of human rights, formulated under the French Revolution auspices, when the ideals of equality were raised as a universal right. It intends to search the justification for the non-effectiveness of women s rights, despite their human condition. In order to achieve that, the paper goes through the modern paradigm of human rights, feminist criticism and daily inequalities and discrimination. Also, through a new pattern, based on the valuation of differences and the way this issue is broach by the law. Women s juridical condition is a result of the combination of these factors, and public and private policies towards women are an attempt to seek equality. The paper has an interdisciplinary perspective, and tries to restore important concepts and values to citizenship through keeping individual characteristics without giving up equality. It also maintains collective characteristics without neglecting all the particularities that must live together


mulher cidadania direito paradigma moderno direito civil direitos humanos

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