A comunidade fital : variação espacial e nictemeral da epifauna, especialmente anfipodos, associada a alga parda Sargassum spp. em quatro praias de Ubatuba, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo




Diel variations and spatial differences in the species composition of the epifaunal community of the brown algae Sargassum were investigated within and among four shores, respectively ? Domingas Dias, Lázaro, Lamberto e Perequê-mirim - of the north coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. It?s supposed that patterns of diel movements of the populations of epifaunal species are a strategy against visually oriented predators. In two successive days, ten samples (fronds) of Sargassum spp. were taken at day (between 10.00 and noon) and night periods (between 22.00 and midnight), summing up 40 individual algae per shore. The Sargassum mobile community was very similar in the four shores and the most common and typical taxa were amphipods, isopods, gastropods and polychaetes. The four shores differed mainly in their dominant species and in the proportion among the species populations. The most distinctive community was reported in Lamberto beach, under the influence and interaction of physical factors such as algae morphology, load of fouling hydrozoans, low hydrodynamics, and high sediment load and pollution. Significant differences between the densities of nocturnal and diurnal samples were noted for some species but not for the whole community. For such species, gammaridean amphipods such as Batea catharinensis, Sunampithoe pelagica, Hyale nigra, Photis longicaudata e Lysianassa sp. showed a tendency for higher densities at night while the caprellideans amphipods Caprella danilevskii, Caprella scaura and pycnogonids were more abundant at daytime


fauna marinha ecologia costeira varia (biologia)

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