A cidade e o "mal necessário"; zona de prostituição e marginalidade social em Pouso Alegre - MG (1969-1988)




From 1969 to 1988, Pouso Alegre, a southern Minas Gerais state city, had lived the very beginning of its industrial process. Values such as modernity, development and progress were under construction by the local press, where both, the morality defenders and people opposed to the Prostitution Zone, had considered it an obstacle to urban growth, thus raising a moral campaign which demanded the prostitutions end at the city center. Such results reflected the need of another Prostitution Zone, far away from downtown and with the purpose of the prostitution confinement, which came afterwards to be a residential areas neighbor in the 1980s. This way new social relationships among the ones who tried to stabilize their identities with each other, were started. The dissertation The city and the necessary evil: Prostitution Zoning and social marginality in Pouso Alegre city, Minas Gerais state (1969-1988)aims to reflect on the Prostitution Zone construction as an urban territory to explore the tense relationships established between the city spaces and the Zone along the years. It had resulted and rightfully became a process of social exclusion and the prejudice resource was reinforced by a symbolic borderline among their social relationship as a way of differing themselves. The narrative of the research was built up with the contribution of Oral History, which allowed the capture of experiences from those who lived the process of social exclusion and marginality construction of the Zone. Therefore establishing a continuous dialogue with different kinds of legal, official-documented, cartography, written-memory sources and the local press with the purpose of making up a multi-faced history, able to deconstruct the several images that were attached to the Prostitution Zone as well as presenting another view of that marginal territory, culturally constructed with its own rules and values, for the first time presented by the Pouso-Alegrense historiography.


imprensa prostitution zone territory social marginality historia prejudice experiência preconceito marginalidade social experience press prostituição - pouso alegre, mg território história oral oral history zona de prostituição cultura culture

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