A charge virtual e a construÃÃo de identidades




There is today a substantial change going on from both the cultural and technological point of view as society adopts new ethical and moral paradigms which favor a lifestyle based on velocity, efficiency and productivity. These changes also have linguistic repercussions, especially with the advent of the Internet and have collaborated in modifying ways of reading and writing. The Virtual Cartoon, through its dynamic and creative character made possible by the various technical languages, lends itself to the study of identity construction, multimodality and Critical Discourse Analysis. This investigation has as its objective the analysis of the Virtual Cartoons, specifically those of MaurÃcio Ricardo â exhibited on the site ww.charges.com.br â and observes how the diverse modes of organization (animation, verbal text, sound and image) interact and form the meaning of the genre analyzed. Moreover, this study seeks to investigate through critical discourse and multimodal analyses the way in which the linguistic-discursive relations constitute a basis for the construction of identities by means of stereotyped discourses present in the speech of the cartoons characters


charge virtual multimodality multimodalidade identidade identity linguistica virtual cartoon

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