A biopolítica dos direitos humanos : uma reflexão a partir da sistema de integração rural da fumicultura




This work presents aspects of tobacco culture in contemporary society, staring at the occupation of the Americas, looking at the consolidation of colonial-mercantile expansionism, to the attribution of the degree of pandemic disease and priority of public health to tobacco use. It synthesizes initiatives for tobacco control, development and perspectives, seeking to give dimension to the extension of actions and elements that allow for recognition of corporate and institutional ties. It maps tobacco productive chain and current productive arrangements of the Rural Integration System; a distinction is done to the functioning of mechanisms on disciplinary control, manipulation, subjection and servitude of small farmers. It aims to relate such mechanisms to regulatory practices and demonstrate how the engineering of this model uses human rights biopolitics. It reports civil, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights violations, which affront international law on human rights. It presents a discussion on what represents a possible assumption of values, practices and principles of human rights in an initiative of the Labor Prosecutor, which is moving Class Actions against tobacco industries in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina. It presents a reflection that makes it possible to think potential, open and diverse horizons to deterritorialization / re-territorialization / territorialization of human rights. It affirms that pretensions of exigency, justice and effectiveness are mediated through facts that escape and at the same time are captured by provisions of power/knowledge. The life of citizens on modern democracies is understood in a relation of abandonment to a force of law without significance. Its suspension is guaranteed in a state of exception perpetuated as rule in order to maintain sovereignty and capital. It analysis the results from the research done in partnership with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control, from Bloomberg School of Public Heath, Johns Hopkins University, where high levels of nicotine/cotinine were found in children that work on tobacco growing.


fumicultura direito direitos humanos vida nua trabalho infantil human rights, biopolitics biopolítica tobacco growing child labor bare life

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