A biologia moral: a constituição do sujeito (des)atento / The moral biology of attention: the constitution of the (in)attentive individual


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this work is to analyze the constitution of the attentive and inattentive individual within the historical process of the moral biologisation of attention. This thesis divides the history of the moral biology of attention into three main phases: the second half of the eighteenth century; the second half of the nineteenth century; the last three decades of the twentieth century. The third phase is at the heart of this investigation. Here, we focus on analyzing the establishment of the diagnosis of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD. In the three periods analyzed, interest in the study of attention has intensified and its control and management has become the object of moral, social, economic, medical and psychological technologies. Through them this ability to control attention has separated the wise from the foolish; the master of self from the alienated; the alert person, a master in the control of his body and will, from the impulsive person, who has no control over his body and is weak-willed. In the XVIII century, attention was considered to be the active manager of the mind, making rational knowledge of the world and of the individual himself possible. It required training, arousal and stimulation. Those who dedicated themselves to controlling and dominating it occupied a privileged position. The moral of attention had begun to be established. In the XIX century inhibition and will were linked, thus endowing it with another function: that of controller of behavior. No longer was attention only important in the formulation of knowledge but it also became responsible for the regulation of action. Attention gained a new value. The XIX century also made it possible for its moral to be naturalized, tied to the body and then "cerebilised". The XX century linked attention to the moral of success and productivity and fixed the process of cerebralisation. During this process where attention gained value, the histories of what constitutes an attentive individual are extremely varied. In this work the history of the cerebral individual is discussed. The constitution of the attentive and inattentive individual is analyzed in the borderlands between the moral and the cerebral biology of attention.


cérebro transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (tdah) saude coletiva moral brain attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (adhd) atenção moral attention

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