A AUTONOMIA DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA SOB A ÓTICA DOCENTE: O olhar de quem ajuda a tecer a trama




The current study aims discussing autonomy in the public school system, starting from the experience lived in a state public school, in the city of Balneário Camboriú, state of Santa Catarina. The investigation, which happened between 1995 and 2001, had the participation of six teachers, who got involved in the elaboration of the politic-pedagogic project of de School. The school autonomy, understood as a possibility to generate and potencialize actions under the perspective that the school acts as a ground for the production of identities, it was discussed based on the perception of teachers as coordinators of the transformation processes of the school. Using the methodology of content analysis of the teachers speech, four categories are identified and they take part of construction process of the school autonomy. Thus, the politic-pedagogic project, the collective, the resistance to subjectivity were analised as constitutive categories of the public school autonomy.


escola pública autonomy educação e estado autonomia teachers docentes public school educacao

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