A atuação do diretor na condução de reuniões do conselho deliberativo de escolas da rede municipal de educação de Presidente Prudente / The principals performance on leading Deliberative Board meetings in schools in Presidente Prudentes municipal educational net




This survey aims at investigating the existence of the Democratic Management and the way it is being carried out in schools at the municipal educational net in Presidente Prudente City, São Paulo, Brazil. Such survey has been carried out according to some criteria, as follows: the focus given by the principal of the school who evaluates his/her own performance in the School Board, following the principle of the Democratic Management of Education, as well as the participation of other elements that constitute this Board teachers, workers and parents who in turn assess the principals performance on the coordination of the cited board. The theoretical option for the critical reflexive analysis of this survey sheds some light on the Democratic Management of Public Schools as ruled by laws and occurs thanks to participation. Participation happens due to collective decision, the socialization of decision and the sharing of responsibilities. Therefore, it is considered the basic element of the Democratic Management of Public Schools and the School Board is seen as the main instrument for its occurrence, as well as one of the most privileged spots for the Democratic Management effectiveness at schools because new social relations among the most different segments of the school community are established there.Besides, it is seen as the place for the democratic practice. By using questionnaires, applied to several segments that constitute the School Board, this survey ranks some attitudes and actions about the local municipal school principals performances, linked to the process of democratization on the schools management. Reporting the principals performance on the School Board Coordination as he/she views it - as well as other segments checking will provide information about how the school is effectively being administrated , enabling, if necessary, the (re)direction of this management. In order to be updated it must be devoted to the collective work of the whole educational and local community. Consequently, the School Board is the part of the school that aims at promoting the participation of the school community on the management and administrative process in order to assure the quality of work developed at schools. When the participation of the community does happen, there are more chances for the effectuation of the improvement of teaching quality at schools.


escolas publicas. school board participation, principal and other elements. administracao de sistemas educacionais gestão democrática democratic management conselhos de educação diretores escolares

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