A atividade musical e a consciência da particularidade




The intent of this study was to analyze the musicality in a historical cultural perspective, which resulted in the understanding of its genesis, structure and function in different historical moments. Particularly, in the natural cultural history as well as in rupture moments that involved changes in the ways of experiencing the musicality, whether it be in its natural way of expression or in the musical activity provided by music. The methodology tool was the Vigostskis genetic psychological analyzes which is based on the Spinozas philosophy and the Marxist dialectic materialism. The obtained results revealed that the musicality in its biological basis linked to the speech is a natural universal gift. Culturally, aside from the speech, the musicality changes and starts following new pathways, a new synthesis assuming new psychological dimensions and new meanings in view of the culture. Regarding the art masterpiece in the musical experience there are conditions and possibilities for a new type of consciousness in mans psychological activity, the conscioussness of particularity, which helps with the organization and control of the emotions themselves. In the historical development of the musicality activity, the institutionalization of musicality at schools begins. This so-called process consists of ideological and mercantilistic values that restrict the musical expression confining and harming the musical and creative expressions of man. It is believed that such conditions could be changed through the vivification of anthological conditions that also emancipate the equality, liberty, will, ethics, imagination as well as creation experienced through authentic relations and sociability.


perspectiva histórico-cultural musical activity consciousness of particularity musicality musicalidade consciência da particularidade educacao atividade musical historical cultural perspective

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