A aplicação do IAS 39 (International Accouting Standard) em uma empresa não financeira: controles internos e implicações na contabilização de operações com derivativos, um estudo de caso




The derivatives are instruments used for companies management risks of loss related to exposition of price variation, exchange variation, interest and credit, which generate from operational activities. The complexity accounting treatment of these instruments generate difficult related to internal control and request an structure which the companies have to maintain in order to attend the correct accounts records of derivative transactions. The research has the objective to analyze the impact in practical application of International Accounting Standard number 39 related to internal controls and accounting records, through a case in Brazilian Company subsidiary of an European Company. The research started with a theoretical concepts of: internal controls, risks and derivative accounting records, which will be necessary to create a concept structure to analyze the information obtained on case study. The Company Objects of study has derivatives transactions with objective to hedge the risk exposure of exchange variation and commodities price variation. In the Companys organization, the financial and accounting departments have their own formal proceeds and internal controls which handle to the accounting departments the conditions the attend the International Accounting Standard number 39 , additionally the Company has a Risk Committee which develop management strategies, approve the transactions and monitoring the derivative transactions. The concept of Embedded Derivatives and Fair Value were implemented by IAS 39, are necessary to the correct accounting records of derivative transactions.The Management evaluated the Embedded Derivatives based on Contracts analyses. The Fair Value Concept has been used in the Company the derivatives accounting records. The valuation of the derivative, the Management uses a system which makes the future cash flow. When the derivative is a commodity, the value is based on Bolsa Mercantil de Futuros BMF quotation. To attend the IAS 39, the Management adopt proceeds of internal control which disclosure the intention of hedge when derivatives are contracted. The accounting records based on Brazilian GAAP do not disclose the intention of the Management in derivative transactions


risk contabilidade accounting derivativo contabilidade -- normas normas internacionais de contabilidade administracao (risco) internal control derivativos (financas) ciencias contabeis derivative risco controle interno internantional accounting standards

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