A adesão do usuário hipertenso ao exercício físico : proposta educativa em saúde




The systemic arterial hypertension is considered a problem of public health, could cause damages to the body because frequently it is only diagnosed after the lesions of organs objective, as heart, brain, kidneys, vases and vision (BRAZIL, 2003). Several studies demonstrate the beneficial effects of the physical exercise (EF) on her you HAVE light and moderate, being this practice adopted as therapeutic conduct in that c1ientele (WILLIAMS, 2001). In that way, this study was developed in two moments, promoting the quantitative-qualitative integration in a complemental way. The objectives of the first moment went to identify the knowledge degree on physical exercises and the frequency of the practice of those exercises for people hypertens. The results demonstrate that the users presented a reasonable knowledge on EF, as well as the important aspects related to his/her practice, mainly for treating of people hypertens, that will fully be able to benefit with this contral conduct and of prevention of the you HAVE, as well as of other problems of health, not only related to the biological dimension, but to the psico-emotional and social. The second moment of the study had as objective analyzes the changes comportamentais originated starting from the implementation of an educational proposal for the adhesion from the users hypertens to the that conduct. Through the analysis of the data, we conc1uded that the motivation for the change through the action grupal constituted a factor of extreme importance for the good course of the process. In that context, the proposal was shown efficient in what he/she intended, once the understanding that the contral of the disease depends on the adoption of new habits, inc1uding the practice of EF, it constituted the main goal of the proposal. The continuity of the incentive for the change has fundamental paper in the apprenticeships of consolidation of the educational process. For that reason, we believed to be necessary the accomplishment of a continuous program of extension that contributes in the process of change of the people hypertens, based in the presuppositions of the education in health, with view to drive the users in the adoption of healthy habits, among those the regular practice of EF.


educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes hipertensÃo arterial - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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