A ação educativa na perspectiva da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jurgen Habermas : uma abordagem reflexiva




The present work intends to examine the educational action in the perspective of the theory of acting talkative having as objective to identify the kind of action produced by the interaction teacher-student in the context of the teaching institution. The study is the result of a bibliographical research and the theoretical referencial is based on Jürgen Habermas work. It looks for to analyze the concept of acting talkative on the aspect of the language and of the speech. It defines talkative competence. It analyzes the language as the generator way of the acting talkative, the understanding as the generator way of the consent and the validity pretenses. It explicit the speech concept and its legitimacy is obtained with of the use of proceeding rules. It intends to apply the theoretical referencial in the analysis of the educational action. It looks for to locate by symbols the school institution in the interrelation between the concepts system and world of the life. It presents a typology of the educational actions accomplished in the social institutions. It describes the contexts of interaction of the functional relationships, of the interactions among the adult members of the school institution, of the interactions among adults and students, and of the interactions among the own students. It exposes the relationships among the types of actions accomplished in the school and the knowledge in them materialized, the way of argumentation used, the model of existent rationality and the way as they show in the educational contexts. It acting talkative comprehends those actions guided for the understanding and the agent is linguistically the competent subject to act in the search of the consent. The educational action embraces the intentional actions whose purpose (immediate or future) is the student s formation, according to the criteria of a critical theory of the education and the agents are the school community s professionals members. The interaction teacher-student is asymmetric and must be intentionally guided to the student s formation. The school, understood as a social and historically determinated context, on one side, executes the systemic function when it accomplishes actions guided for the product and, for other side, it executes the symbolic function when it accomplishes actions guided for the understanding


tipologia ação educativa linguagem discurso

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