Adoptive Immunotherapy
Mostrando 1-12 de 51 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. O impacto da hipóxia na expansão in vitro de células T e Natural Killer (NK)
Infusões de células T e células NK (Natural Killer) de sangue periférico estão sendo realizadas para tratamento de malignidades. Os linfócitos propagados ex vivo, em normóxia (20% O2), são intravenosamente infundidos e precisam sobreviver a hipóxia associada a circulação venosa, da medula óssea (5% O2) e do microambiente tumoral (1% O2). O objeti
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 2012
2. Harnessing the physiology of lymphopenia to support adoptive immunotherapy in lymphoreplete hosts
Lymphopenia enhances the effectiveness of adoptive immunotherapy by facilitating expansion of transferred T cells but also limits the T-cell repertoire available to mediate immune responses and, in humans, is associated with chronic immune dysfunction. Previous studies concluded that lymphopenia augments adoptive immunotherapy by diminishing Tregs and increa
American Society of Hematology.
3. Importance of cyclophosphamide-induced bystander effect on T cells for a successful tumor eradication in response to adoptive immunotherapy in mice.
Cyclophosphamide (CTX) increases the antitumor effectiveness of adoptive immunotherapy in mice, and combined immunotherapy regimens are now used in some clinical trials. However, the mechanisms underlying the synergistic antitumor responses are still unclear. The purpose of this study was (a) to evaluate the antitumor response to CTX and adoptive immunothera
4. A critical role for neutralizing-antibody-producing B cells, CD4+ T cells, and interferons in persistent and acute infections of mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus: Implications for adoptive immunotherapy of virus carriers
This study demonstrates that neutralizing-antibody-producing B cells, CD4+ T cells, and interferons (IFNs) are of key importance in virus control both in adoptive immunotherapy of persistent infection and in the late phase of acute infection with the WE strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). We report the following results. (i) Clearance of LCM
The National Academy of Sciences of the USA.
5. Adoptive immunotherapy of cancer with polyclonal, 108-fold hyperexpanded, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells
T cell-mediated cancer immunotherapy is dose dependent and optimally requires participation of antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Here, we isolated tumor-sensitized T cells and activated them in vitro using conditions that led to greater than 108-fold numerical hyperexpansion of either the CD4+ or CD8+ subset while retaining their capacity for in vivo t
BioMed Central.
6. Selective expansion of high- or low-avidity cytotoxic T lymphocytes and efficacy for adoptive immunotherapy.
The conventional approach to cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction uses maximal antigen concentration with the intent of eliciting more CTL. However, the efficacy of this approach has not been systematically explored with regard to the quality of the CTLs elicited or their in vivo functionality. Here, we show that a diametrically opposite approach elicits C
7. Type 17 CD8+ T cells display enhanced antitumor immunity
Interleukin-17 (IL-17)–secreting CD8+ T cells have been described, but they have not been thoroughly studied and they do not have a known role in cancer immunotherapy. We skewed CD8+ T cells to secrete IL-17 through priming in Th17-polarizing conditions. IL-17–producing CD8+ T cells demonstrated reduced expression of Eomes and diminished cytolytic differ
American Society of Hematology.
8. Use of recombinant interleukin-2 to enhance adoptive transfer of resistance to Listeria monocytogenes infection.
In vitro incubation of Listeria-immune spleen cells (LISC) with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) for at least 3 days increased their ability to transfer antilisteria resistance to recipient mice. This effect was blocked by the in vitro addition of transforming growth factor beta 1. The level of protection afforded by the transfer of rIL-2-incubated LISC was
9. Immunodominant minor histocompatibility antigens expressed by mouse leukemic cells can serve as effective targets for T cell immunotherapy.
Numerous minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHAs) show tissue-specific expression and can induce vigorous T cell responses. They therefore represent attractive targets for leukemia immunotherapy mediated by adoptive transfer of T cells. The main objective of this work was to determine whether MiHAs expressed by normal hematopoietic cells were present on leu
10. Adoptive immunotherapy of murine cytomegalovirus adrenalitis in the immunocompromised host: CD4-helper-independent antiviral function of CD8-positive memory T lymphocytes derived from latently infected donors.
The ability of memory T lymphocytes derived from latently infected mice to control murine cytomegalovirus disease in the immunocompromised host was studied by adoptive transfer experiments. At a stage of pathogenesis when virus had already colonized target tissues, a therapeutic antiviral function could be ascribed to the CD8+ subset. This in vivo function w
11. Cell retargeting by bispecific monoclonal antibodies. Evidence of bypass of intratumor susceptibility to cell lysis in human melanoma.
Intratumor heterogeneity for susceptibility to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated lysis represents a major obstacle to cancer adoptive immunotherapy. To overcome the heterogeneity observed in terms of susceptibility of target cells to cell-mediated lysis, in this study we used two purified bispecific monoclonal antibodies (bsmAbs) that recognize molecule
12. CD40-activated human B cells: an alternative source of highly efficient antigen presenting cells to generate autologous antigen-specific T cells for adoptive immunotherapy.
Multiple clinical trials have shown the efficacy of adoptively transferred allogeneic antigen-specific T cells for the treatment of viral infections and relapsed hematologic malignancies. In contrast, the therapeutic potential of autologous antigen-specific T cells has yet to be established since it has been technically difficult to generate sufficient numbe